Domains make the basics of the internet. Your favorite websites are build of a domain name.
So what is a Domain Name? Basically, it is the name of the website. For example, if you consider as the website, it’s domain name would be
The www appended to is one of its host names and not the domain name.
Domains are available in limited supply, once someone buys the domain, it is no more available for public sale. This makes domains with common or interesting names highly expensive.
Common names are sometimes tweaked a little so that it can be purchased for a cheaper rate while maintaining the meaning in the name.
Hobbyist and Domain Professionals buy domains with unique and fancy names so that they can get it auctioned and earn good money out of it’s sale.
Buyers for fancy domains are less common these days as people tend to find a domain name with a meaning similar to their mode of business or blog. Many people start their businesses only after getting the domain name of their choice.
With the common names saturating, ICANN the authority handling domain names has been launching newer TLDs in the market.

TLDs are the extension of the domain names. You may have seen domains ending with .com and .net. In the recent past, you would also have started seeing domain extensions like .tech, .work, .ink along with 1000s of other extensions.
The availablility of these many extensions is another reason why the general audience is not willing to pay a higher rate for a Premium Domain Name. They would rather buy their favorite domain name with a newer extension than the commonly used .com or .net.
That’s the basics, I’ll deep dive into domains in my next post. I’ll write about what are Zone Files, how to upkeep your Domain which is also an intellectual property to your business or oneself. I’ll also talk about the benefits of building an environment around your domain which will help you increase your Brand Awareness using methods of SEO and Google AdWords.
There will also be a dedicated post on the core records of a domain and why understanding it is so important.
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